Saturday, December 1, 2018

Microcontroller Unit No 03

Unit III : Parallel Port Interfacing-II PPT
Unit III Hand Written Notes

Unit III : Parallel Port Interfacing-II (6 Hrs) Interfacing of: DAC,Temperature sensors,Stepper motor, Motion detectors, Relay, Buzzer, Optoisolaters, Design of DAS and Frequency counter:All programs in assembly

Subject:  Microcontroller

  1. Interface DAC 0808 with 8051 microcontroller with timing diagram.
  2. Write assembly program to rotate stepper motor clockwise if P1.0 =1 and Anticlockwise if P1.0= 0
  3. Design 8051 based system to interface LM35 using ADC. Write the program to display the Temperature on LCD.
  4. Explain the generalized block diagram of data acquisition system.
  5. Interface 8051 to PIR sensor, Switch on led to P2.3 on if motion is detected and switch of led if no motion is detected.
  6. Write an assembly program to rotate 117 degree in clockwise direction. The motor has step angle of 1.8 degree.
  7. Design a digital thermometer to display the temperature in Celsius. The range of temperature is from 0 to 100 degree Celsius.

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