Unit No 1 PPT
Handwritten Notes
Youtube Link For Video
Unit I :Introduction to Microcontroller Architecture (6 Hrs)
Overview of MCS-51 architecture,Block diagram and explanation of 8051, Port structure , memory organization, Interrupt structure, timers and its modes, serial communication modes. Overview of Instruction set, Sample programs (assembly): Delay using Timer and interrupt, Programming Timer 0&1, Data transmission and reception using Serial port
Sub:- Microcontroller Unit No 1
Handwritten Notes
Youtube Link For Video
Unit I :Introduction to Microcontroller Architecture (6 Hrs)
Overview of MCS-51 architecture,Block diagram and explanation of 8051, Port structure , memory organization, Interrupt structure, timers and its modes, serial communication modes. Overview of Instruction set, Sample programs (assembly): Delay using Timer and interrupt, Programming Timer 0&1, Data transmission and reception using Serial port
Question Bank

Q1. Differentiate between microprocessor and microcontroller.
Q2. Differentiate between Hardward and von Neumann architecture
Q3. Differentiate between RISC and CISC processor.
Q4. What are the limitations of 8 bit microcontroller?
Q5. What are the selection criteria for microcontroller?
Q6. Define embedded system Explain characteristics of it.
Q7. Explain the role of microcontroller in embedded system.
Q8. Why 8 bit microcontroller are preferred over 16 bit microcontroller.
Q9.List Features of 8051 microcontroller.
Q10. Explain following Pins of 8051
a) ALE/ PROG bar b) EA bar / VPP c) PSEN bar
Q11. Draw and Explain block diagram of 8051
Q12. Draw and explain Port 1 structure.
Q13. Explain Memory organization of 8051.
Q14. Explain RAM organization of 8051.
Q15. Explain Interrupt structure of 8051 in details.
Q16. Explain IE and IP register in details.
Q17. Explain Timer modes of operation in details.
Q18. Calculate the hexadecimal count in TH1 when the baud rate of controller is 1200.
Q19. Explain the need of power saving modes in microcontroller.
Q20. State and Explain different addressing modes of 8051 with the help of example.
Nice Presentation