Saturday, December 1, 2018

Microcontroller Unit No 02

Hand Written Notes Unit 02
PPT Unit No 02

Unit II :IO Port Interfacing-I (6 Hrs) 
Interfacing of:LEDS,Keypad, 7-segment multiplexed display, LCD, ADC 0809(All programs in assembly). Programming environment: Study of software development tool chain (IDE), hardware debugging tools (timing analysis using logic analyser) 

Subject: Microcontroller

  1. Write an assembly language program to interface an LED to Pin 2.0 and flash it after every 1.5 msec. assume XTAL = 11.0592 Mhz.
  2. A switch is connected to Pin P2.2 and an LED is connected to pin P2.5. Write a program to get a status of switch and send it on LED.
  3. Explain how microcontroller is interfaced with keyboard Draw flowchart for reading the code of key that has been pressed.
  4. Draw and explain interfacing seven segment multiplexed display.
  5. List the LCD module command.
  6. Interface intelligent LCD module to 8051 microcontroller write assembly language program to display university on line one and sppu pune on line two.
  7. List all the feature of ADC 0808. Draw interfacing with 8051.
  8. Write short note on A) assembler B) Compiler C) Emulator.
  9. Explain different hardware development tools.

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